The Council for Maryland Archeology offers a $250.00 stipend to a student presenting a paper at the annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Archaeological Conference (MAAC). This stipend is awarded annually to assist participating students with conference expenses.
Criteria for this award include the following:
- The applicant must be a current graduate or undergraduate student at an accredited college or university.
- Successful applicants will be registered to give a paper at the MAAC (the MAAC registration deadline is normally December 15).
- Applicants must show interest in participating in Maryland archeology outside of the classroom.
This Year's Stipend Deadline - February 20, 2022
Download the application information HERE and apply today!
Previous Stipend Recipients:
2019 - Olivia Hamilton (Salisbury University), "Zooarchaeology of Colonial Sites in Somerset, Maryland"
2018 - Sarah Grady (University of Maryland, College Park), "1930 Mill Swamp Rosenwald Type School"
2017 - Craig Stevens (American University), "Using GIS to Interpret the Josiah Henson Site"
2016 - Rebecca Webster (St Mary's College of Maryland), "Analysis of Glass and Shell Beads from 16th to 19th Century Sites in Southern Maryland"
2015 - Zachary Singer (University of Conneticut), "Re-analyzing the Higgins and Nolan's Ferry Paleoindian Occupations "
2015 - Matt Nicholson (University of Baltimore), "Comparing Prehistoric Contexts at the Lost Towns Project"
2015 - Catherine Dye (St. Mary's College of Maryland), "Comparing Childhood Habitation and Burial Contexts"
2014 - Jarrett Smith (Howard University), "Reviewing African American Sites Using Compliance Archaeology Reports"
2014 - Kaiolani Siregar (St. Mary's College of Maryland), "The Chemical Signature for Morgan Jones Ceramics using XRF Spectrometer"
2013 - Skylar Bauer (St. Mary's College of Maryland), "'pallizaded in the defense:' The Architecture of Conflict in the 17th-Century Chesapeake"
2012 - Jennifer Allen (University of Maryland, College Park), "Benefiting the Public Through a More Curation Focused Archaeology"
2011 - Jenna Zimmerman (University of Maryland, College Park), "Eighteenth-Century Plantation Landscapes in Anne Arundel County, Maryland: Establishing a Model for the Location of Slave Quarters"
2010 - Kate Birmingham (The George Washington University), "The Boyd Family of Queen Anne Town: Social Mobility and Material Culture in 18th Century Maryland"
2010 - Emily Swain (University of Maryland, College Park), "Sites, Surveys, and Stewardship: Discovering the Potential of Prince George's County"