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Article I: NAME
The name of this organization shall be the Council for Maryland Archeology, Inc.
The purposes of the Council shall be: To foster public awareness and concern for the preservation and management of archeological resources in Maryland; To contribute to the professional management of archeological resources in Maryland; To encourage the scholarly research of archeological resources in Maryland and to serve as a forum for the exchange of information on Maryland archeology; To establish ethical and research standards for the conduct of archeology in Maryland.
Section 1. Membership shall be available in two categories: Professional and Associate. Professional members shall be any person who: Holds an advanced degree (M.A., M.S., or Ph.D.) in Anthropology, Archeology, History, American Studies, or any closely related field as agreed upon by a majority of Council members, or; Has equivalent professional experience , demonstrated by such activities as the publication of professional articles in peer reviewed journals, the presentation of papers at professional conferences, and is sponsored by a member in good standing, and ; Is actively involved or likely to be involved in Maryland archeology, and; Subscribes to the purposes of this Council as outlined in Article II; is eligible for membership in this Council. Associate members shall be any person who holds an undergraduate degree in Anthropology, Archeology, History, American Studies, or any closely related field, or is currently enrolled in a similar university or college program. An applicant’s credentials may be requested for review by the Executive Board of the Council, by the Membership Committee, or by any member in good standing. Membership in good standing is activated upon payment of the specified dues.
Section 2. Professional members shall have the privilege of participating in meetings and activities of the Council, shall receive one copy of the Council’s membership list on a yearly basis, shall receive one copy of the Council’s communications, and shall have the right to vote. Associate membership confers the right to participate in meetings and activities of the council, receive one copy of the Council’s membership list on a yearly basis, and receive one copy of the Council’s communications. However, Associate members shall not have the right to vote, nor have the right to hold office.
Section 3. A member can be removed from membership in this Council for failing to uphold the tenants of Article II or causing injury to the good name of this Council. Any member may offer a resolution at a Council meeting that an ad hoc Committee composed of five (5), consisting of a Chair and four members, be appointed by the President or President-Elect to investigate charges concerning another member which may render that person in violation of the aforementioned standards for membership in this Council. The ad hoc Committee shall conduct an investigation as deemed appropriate concerning the allegations and shall, at the following Business meeting, issue a written report to the Council on the results of said investigation. Based on the results of said investigation, the ad hoc Committee will either a) exonerate the accused, or b) prefer charges. All ad hoc Committee members in agreement with the report shall sign the report. Upon conclusion of the investigation, the Council shall vote as to whether to proceed with an Expulsion hearing. A simple majority of Council members present at the Business meeting will be required to move to a hearing. None of the findings of the ad hoc Committee report shall be made public.
Section 4. An expelled member may apply for reinstatement after one year from the date of expulsion. Such an application must be present to an Executive Board member in the form of a letter of request that must provide adequate proof that the expelled member has acted according to the purposes of the Council. The Board member receiving said application will schedule said application as “New Business” during the following Business meeting of the Council. Two-thirds of the Council members present at the Business meeting must approve the request of application for membership of this Council.
Section 5. Specified dues shall be determined by the Executive Board. Dues shall be payable on the first day of the Council’s Fiscal Year, herein defined as January 1st through December 31st. Members accepted into the Council during the last quarter of the year, herein defined as between October 1st and December 31st, shall be considered as registered through the following Fiscal Year.
Section 6. Those members in arrears by March 31st shall have all privileges of membership immediately suspended and shall be so notified in writing by the Treasurer. Those members will be reinstated upon payment of specified dues.
Section 7. No member shall have the power to incur debt in the Council’s name unless authorized by the Executive Board.
Section 8. No individual member shall speak for this Council without the direction of the membership or the Executive Board. Duly elected officers, however, may represent this Council in appropriate circumstances.
Section 1. The Officers of this Council shall be a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. These Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these By-Laws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by this Council.
Section 2. The President shall have the duties pertaining to the rights and office of the President of this Council. The President shall : Preside over all meetings of this Council; Serve as a representative and spokesperson for the Council; Have the authority to call unscheduled meetings of the Council as situations demand; Poll the Council on issues requiring immediate action; Appoint members of the Standing Committees with the advice and consent of the Council membership; Create ad-hoc committees as deemed necessary; Appoint members of ad-hoc Committees with the advice and consent of the Executive Board; Appoint an ex officio past president to the Executive Board; Deposit all funds in the name of the Council in such Bank or Banks as the Executive Board designates in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to render and perform these duties; Make, sign, and endorse in the name of this Council all checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money, and pay out and disburse the same and receipt thereof, under the direction of the Executive Board in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to render and perform these duties; Make disbursements in the course of normal business upon a signature, with the exception that no disbursements for any amount exceeding $200.00 shall be made without the approval of the Executive Board in the absence or inability of the Treasurer to render and perform these duties; Have the authority to sign documents on behalf of the Council or specify a representative of the Council to sign documents on behalf of the Council.
Section 3. The President-Elect shall exercise the duties of the President in the absence or inability of the President to render and perform those duties or exercise those powers as set forth in these ByLaws. When so acting, the President-Elect shall have all the powers and responsibilities hereby given to or imposed upon the President. The President-Elect shall perform special duties as assigned by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.
Section 4. The Secretary shall perform all duties assigned to the office of Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for: The minutes of all Council and Executive Board meetings; Notifying in writing all members of this Council of all Quarterly and Special meetings; Notifying in writing all members of this Council of items in all meeting agendas.
Section 5. The Treasurer shall perform all duties assigned to the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer shall be responsible for: All funds and securities of this Council; Depositing all funds in the name of the Council in such Bank or Banks as the Executive Board designates; Making, signing, and endorsing in the name of this Council all checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money, and paying out and disbursing the same and receipt thereof, under the direction of the Executive Board; Making disbursements in the course of normal business upon a signature, with the exception that no disbursements for any amount exceeding $200.00 shall be made without the approval of the Executive Board; Exhibiting at all reasonable time the books and accounts to any voting member of this Council; Rendering a statement of the financial condition of this Council at each Quarterly meeting.
Section 6. Term of Office for the Officers of this Council shall be for two (2) years commencing at the conclusion of Old Business at the fourth (December) Business meeting and continuing for two (2) years through the conclusion of Old Business at the fourth (December) Business meeting. The President of this Council shall be succeeded by the President-Elect. The President is prohibited from serving consecutive two (2) years terms.
Section 7. Any Officer or member of the Executive Board may be removed for cause at any regular or special meeting of this Council by a majority vote of the members in good standing present, provided that notice of said vote has been placed on the meeting agenda.
Section 8. If an Officer or member of the Executive Board is not able to complete the term of office, the Executive Board shall appoint a member of this Council to fill the unexpired term. The appointment must be confirmed by a majority vote of this Council at the subsequent Business meeting.
Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the PresidentElect, Secretary, and Treasurer of this Council, two (2) at large members elected from the membership of this Council, and one (1) ex-officio President appointed by the President. The term of office for the at-large officers shall be for two (2) years starting on the 1st day of January on even-numbered years and continuing through the 31st if December on the following odd-numbered year.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall supervise the affairs of this Council between Business meetings, fix the hour and place of all meetings, make recommendations to this Council, and, in conjunction with the appropriate Standing Committee, speak for this Council. The Executive Council shall also perform other duties as are specified in these By-Laws. The Executive Board shall be subject to the orders of this Council, and none of its actions shall conflict with those taken by the Council.
Section 3. A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Section 4. No officer or member of the Executive Board shall receive compensation for duties performed. However, on a resolution of a majority of this Council, an officer or member of the Executive Board may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the conduct of their duties.
Section 5. The Executive Board shall review the status of all committees annually.
Section 1. This Council shall include a Finance, Nominating, Membership, Education, Legislative, Communications, Planning, and Native American Liaison Committees. Each Standing Committee will consist of minimally three members of this Council in good standing. Upon taking the Office of President, the President shall present to the Council during the first Business meeting of his/her term, a list of members nominated to the Standing Committee. Each Standing Committee will include a designated Committee Chair and two additional members. The members of the Council present at the first Business meeting of the President shall confirm the members of each Standing Committee by a majority vote. If a majority of the members of the Council present at said Business meeting reject a Committee nominee, the President shall nominate a replacement at the following Business meeting for confirmation by a simple majority of Council members present. Confirmed Committee members shall serve for the duration of the President’s term of two (2) years. Committee members may be re-nominated to Committee positions after two (2) years at the pleasure of the President but shall undergo confirmation as directed in this Section. The President shall serve as an exofficio member of all Standing Committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer, the President, and one member nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Finance Committee shall conduct all duties consistent with Article IV Section of these By-Laws.
Section 3. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the ex-officio President serving on the Executive Board and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Nominating Committee shall conduct and supervise elections of the Officers and Executive Board members as detailed in Article VII Section 1 of these By-Laws.
Section 4. The Membership Committee shall consist of the Secretary and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Membership committee shall undertake to increase the membership of this Council by holding an annual Membership Drive. In addition, the Committee shall: create and maintain a membership application form; maintain a list of all members in good standing for distribution to Council members on a once yearly basis; report new members to the Executive Board on a quarterly basis.
Section 5. The Education Committee shall consist of an at-large member of the Executive Board and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Education Committee shall: represent the Council’s interests with the Maryland State Department of Education; coordinate and award the Council’s annual Student Scholarship Award; represent the Council’s interests with regard to Maryland Archeology Month; coordinate the Council’s involvement in the CAT program.
Section 6. The Legislative Committee shall consist of an at-large member of the Executive Board and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Legislative Committee shall appraise the Council and Executive Board on federal, state, and local legislative and regulatory issues that coincide with the Council’s interests. Such issues shall include but are not limited to the creation, review, or promulgation, of federal, state, or local government legislative or regulatory initiatives, including the creation or adoption of historic preservation plans.
Section 7. The Communications Committee shall consist of the President and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Communications Committee shall in coordination with the Executive Board: create and maintain a Council website; create and maintain for the Council all other electronic social media such as blogs or twitter accounts; maintain and make available to members all informational posters or informational brochures on the Council for display or distribution at conferences and other appropriate venues
Section 8. The Planning Committee shall consist of the President-Elect and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The Planning Committee shall, with approval of the Executive Board, organize all non-Business meetings of the Council. The Planning Committee shall organize a bi-yearly symposium during odd-numbered years. The Committee shall organize two yearly post-Business meeting round tables and one yearly field-oriented session.
Section 9. The Native American Liaison Committee (NALC) shall consist of the Treasurer and two (2) members nominated by the President and confirmed by a simple majority of Council members. The NALC shall represent the Council’s interests on the Working Group on Native American Remains and shall appraise the Council and Executive Board on Native American, federal, state, and local initiatives pertaining to Native Americans, including but not limited to consultation, tribal recognition, and relations with the professional archaeological community.
Section 10. At the President’s discretion and with the approval of two-thirds of the Executive Board, the President shall constitute Ad Hoc Committees to carry out the work of this Council. Membership and scope of the Ad Hoc Committees shall be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Executive Board. Any member of this Council may petition the President or the Executive Board to constitute an Ad Hoc Committee. The general scope of Ad Hoc Committees will be of a specific nature and short duration. Ad Hoc Committees will be constituted for no more than two (2) years or the conclusion of the President’s term, whichever is less. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all Ad Hoc Committees.
Section 1. The Nominating Committee shall, on even numbered years, secure one or more candidates for positions of PresidentElect, Secretary, and Treasurer; and on odd numbered years, two (2) At-Large members for the Executive Board. The current President may not be nominated for the post of President-Elect. The Nominating Committee shall present all nominations to the Secretary of this Council at the last quarterly meeting.
Section 2. A ballot shall be sent either by paper mail or electronic ballot at least fifteen (15) days prior to the first quarterly meeting of the Council’s fiscal year indicating the nominees for the Officers of this Council or the two (2) At-Large members of the Executive Board. Such ballot may be returned by electronic balloting means or by mail to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee or may be delivered to the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee in person at the first quarterly meeting. All members in good standing are eligible to vote. The President of this Council shall appoint three (3) members of this Council, who are not candidates or members of the Nominating Committee, to count the ballots at the first quarterly meeting. The person receiving the most votes shall be elected. In the case of a tie vote, the tie shall be broken by the voting membership present at the first quarterly meeting.
Section 1. The Council shall hold at least three (3) meetings per year: winter, spring, and fall. The Secretary shall give notice in writing to each member of the hour, date, place, and purpose of the meetings of this Council.
Section 2. The regular meeting in winter shall be known as the Business Meeting and shall be for the purposes of elections, receiving reports of officers and committees, and any other business that may arise.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by the President of this Council upon a majority vote of the Executive Board, or upon request in writing by ten (10) members. Except in cases of emergency, five (5) days written notification stating time, place, and purpose of such meeting must be sent to each member of this Council. No other business will be transacted at such special meetings.
Section 4. The members of this Council present at a meeting shall constitute a quorum, but in no event shall a quorum consist of less than ten (10) members, or 10 percent of the membership, whichever is greater.
The parliamentary authority of this Council shall be those rules contained in the By-Laws and Special Rules of Order of this Council, and then in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
The By-Laws may be amended by the submission of the proposed amendment sponsored in writing by five (5) members in good standing to the Secretary of this Council for the purpose of written notification and distribution of a ballot to the general membership. The ballot may be returned by mail or delivered in person to the Secretary at the next quarterly meeting of the Council. The President shall appoint three (3) members of the Council, who are not sponsors of the proposed amendment, to count the ballots. The amendment shall be passed upon two-thirds affirmative vote. All passed amendments shall be published in the next meeting notice of the Council. All amendments passed during the year shall be published prior to the first yearly meeting held in the winter to be ratified by the majority vote of the membership at that meeting.
The By-Laws shall become effective upon the ratification vote of two-thirds of the membership responding by ballot by mail or in person at the meeting at which the vote is scheduled. Ballots may be returned by mail or in person at the meeting. Upon ratification, these By-Laws shall be published by this Council.